Sock Talk Goes To TerrifiCon! He. Just. Can’t. Stop…


Episode Runtime: 00:20:41

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! In this micro episode, Sock Talk Phil, one of the producers and directors of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, interviews Mitch Hallock, the organizer of one of Connecticut’s biggest comic conventions, TerrifiCon.

Phil has been doing this interview for the last 3-4 years because he genuinely loves TerrifiCon and wants the world to experience it. In an ocean of filth, Terrificon surfaces from the abyss squeaky clean. Check out their site and make your way there the second weekend in August. You might see Sock Talk Phil and his convention companion Steve walking the con floor. Please do not address them or look them in the eyes.

Phil also name drops Sock Talk Jim so he can officially say he is technically “in the episode”. You can check out all of Jim’s great stuff at Friday Night Films 

Music intro and outro: Provided by Futuristic Wrist Watch

Where Phil would like you to go : I Hunger Productions
Where Jim would like you to go: MMD Friday Night Films


Sock Talk Goes To TerrifiCon…Yet Again!!!

Phil & Steve are going back to Terrificon!

Episode Runtime: 00:38:41

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! In this micro episode, Sock Talk Phil, one of the producers and directors of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, interviews Mitch Hallock, the organizer of one of Connecticut’s biggest comic conventions, TerrifiCon.

It’s a shameless plug for a pretty great convention that’s happening at Mohegan Sun on August 17th -19th. Now, I know what you’re thinking: Wow, casinos/carnival cruises are the breeding ground for all sad things or the death of all that is good. Normally, you are 100% accurate, but TerrifiCon is a beautiful unicorn making everything around it that much more amazing. Don’t miss it!

Phil also drags Sock Talk Jim, from Friday Night Films, into a weird conversation about comic conventions and Plan B. Listen now, won’t you?


Music intro and outro: Provided by Augustus Creighton

Where Phil would like you to go : I Hunger Productions
Where Jim would like you to go: MMD Friday Night Films


Sock Talk – A Circuitous Surmise

Episode Runtime: 01:29:29

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk!

Jim McDonough, of Friday Night Films fame, and Phil Healy, one of the producers and directors of the award-winning documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, get back to it as they chat about why people follow and create conspiracy theories, the magic of octopi, and why you shouldn’t try to explain your way out of embarrassing situations. Plus, mucho more!

Check out this latest episode and try to remember that they’re both highly functioning alcoholics with genitalia resembling that of a Cambrian-era millipede. Listen and learn to laugh and love again!

Music intro and outro: Provided by Timothy Fife

Where Phil would like you to go : I Hunger Productions , A/S/L
Where Jim would like you to go: MMD Friday Night Films


Sock Talk – 27 (Not the episode number)

Episode Runtime: 01:32:51

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! Jim McDonough, of Friday Night Films fame, is back on the co-host couch spouting all sorts of rhetoric as Sock Talk Phil, one of the producers and directors of the award-winning documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, tries to emotionally justify his need to cry every time a judge uses the term, “finger-blasted”.

Check out this latest episode and bask in the glory that is Jim and Phil lamenting about what film fest they got into! They are a bunch of self-centered man-babies, but they can be pretty funny. Enjoy, you human garbage!

Music intro and outro: Provided by Chris Morrill

Where Phil would like you to go : I Hunger Productions , A/S/L
Where Jim would like you to go: MMD Friday Night Films


Sock Talk’s Back Under New Law!!!

Episode Runtime: 01:39:02

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This is it! Jim McDonough, of Friday Night Films fame, makes his debut! Well, this is actually his third* episode he’s co-hosted with Sock Talk Phil, one of the producers and directors of the award-winning documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”. Phil just hasn’t gotten around to posting the first or second episodes. He may post the second, but probably not the first. Are they that bad? No, Sock Talk Phil just wants to hang it over Sock Talk Jim’s head!!! The minimal amount of power!!!

Check out the latest episode where we go over the painful fact that Nazis are mainstream, the flat earth society exists, and why Roman Polanski is a cool dude through and through. Plus, we have some special guests! Two of the world’s top renown scientists/buzz-kill artists show up! Enjoy you filthy heathens!

Music intro and outro: Provided by Derk Jickface

Where Phil would like you to go : I Hunger Productions
Where Jim would like you to go: MMD Friday Night Films

* Jim actually was a guest on a previous episode during the Jon years

Sock Talk Goes To TerrifiCon…Again!!!

Episode Runtime: 00:16:27

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! It’s been a while! In this tiny episode, Sock Talk Phil, one of the producers and directors of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, interviews Mitch Hallock and gives a brief intro as to what’s happened to your beloved Sock Talk. Mitch is the organizer of one of Connecticut’s biggest comic conventions, TerrifiCon. It’s a shameless plug for a pretty great convention nestled in the bosom of gambling and stuffing one’s face. Be on the look-out for more Sock Talk!!!

Music intro and outro: Provided by Glow Power

Where Phil would like you to go : I Hunger Productions
Where Jim would like you to go: MMD Friday Night Films

Sock Talk Episode 64: It Doesn’t Matter

Episode Runtime: 1:14:00
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, chat, argue, laugh, and love. It’s the beginning of the end. Listen, won’t you?

Music intro and outro: Provided by The Blues Dream Box

If you’d like to donate to Sock Talk Jon’s animated project you can do so here:

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Jon Caron Art

Sock Talk Goes To TerrifiCon

Episode Runtime: 00:17:42

Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! In this snippet, Sock Talk Phil, one of the producers and directors of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, interviews Mitch Hallock. Mitch is the organizer of one of Connecticut’s biggest comic conventions, TerrifiCon. It’s a bit nerdy and perhaps a bit more sincere than Sock Talk Phil would’ve liked, but he did it. He did it and you need to love him for it! Also, please forgive him for soundy ASMR-ish in the outro.

Music intro and outro: Provided by Glow Power

If you’d like to donate to Sock Talk Jon’s animated project you can do so here:

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 62: Grandma’s Peach Tea

Episode Runtime: 1:29:13
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah”, come back after a two month long hiatus and discuss the vibrant and colorful world of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Hugs!

Music intro and outro: Provided by Timothy Fife (Progenitor Soundtrack)

If you’d like to donate to Sock Talk Jon’s animated project you can do so here:

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Film Review: Ant-Man (spoiler free)

“This is not some cute tech like the Iron Man suit!”

Admittedly I was skeptical of Marvel’s latest in their ongoing movieverse…for one, I’m not a very big fan of Ant-Man in the comics; I recognize him as a imperative member of the Avengers, but I just never really liked him as a character. That, coupled with the fact this movie has had a tough time in the production end of things, starting initially as an FX test, the brainchild of writer/director Edgar Wright, to Marvel ultimately falling out with Wright altogether and Ant-Man winding up in the hands of lesser known director Peyton Reed. Typically when a film has such a sordid history behind it, it suffers because of it. Gladly, that is not the case here.

Ant-Man is a lot of fun.

Once again, Marvel has made the right choice of film to show directly after one of their more action heavy and weighty spectacles (Avengers: Age of Ultron). Ant-Man is actually one of the most enjoyable of the Phase 2 films and is right up there with Guardians of the Galaxy as far as a good time is concerned. There’s just a lot to enjoy here…the shrinking and sense of scale to everything is really well done. The smallest objects get tossed around with such a sense of weight and danger, only to fall harmlessly like the toys they are. It really keeps things both intense and lighthearted all at once. On a more fascinating technological front, at the beginning of the film, we see a digitally age reduced Michael Douglas and it is really, REALLY believable…that technology sure has come a long way since the waxy looking Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen in X-Men 3.

To nitpick a little bit, it seems like it just wouldn’t be a Marvel film at this point without another weak villain and we certainly get that here with Yellowjacket. Just sort of another cliche villain, who you don’t really care about and I would really like to see Marvel give a little more depth to the bad guys with their films.

All in all, Ant-Man is a nice way to wrap up Phase 2, all while dropping numerous hints at what to expect in the upcoming Phase 3 slate of films. There is even mention of a certain “wall-crawler” who we all know will be making his appearance with Captain America: Civil War!

This is a really exciting time to be a Marvel fanboy, unlike other comic book companies trying to make movies (cough, cough DC), Marvel truly understands what makes their characters tick. For me to be able to go see a movie about a character who shrinks and can control ants and for it to be fun and enjoyable is a testament to the mighty Marvel machine and their love for their properties.

As always, make mine Marvel!

-Sock Talk Jon-

*Insignificant Spoiler Alert!!!
When Yellowjacket fires his lasers they are a sound effect from the AT-AT’s from Star Wars. Ya know, part of the privileges of that whole Disney/Lucas/Pixar/Marvel world domination thing.