Game Review: Lords of the Fallen

Diet Dark Souls

There is definitely no mistaking the similarity between Lords of the Fallen and the Demons/Dark Souls games, it’s very much a take on that innovative and challenging Souls style gameplay which has made many a gamer want to break their controller in frustration. But, in a good way.

Lords of the Fallen is a very difficult game to review, because for everything it does right, there is something extremely important it does wrong. Let’s start with the most simple, cosmetics. Playing through this game on Xbox One, it looks like someone smeared Vaseline over the screen…this game is blurry. Like, you can tell there is a good looking game underneath the haze, but it never seems to lift…I know Lords of the Fallen is also on PC, but the graphics boost there seems to come with a price that’s also prevalent on the consoles; bugs and crashes.

On my first playthrough  I experienced a random freeze screen game crash that I had to reload on. No big deal, sometimes that happens…later on, I was battling a boss and we killed each other at the same time, this caused me to restart at my checkpoint (which I expected) but when I got back to the boss, it was still dead…but had it’s life bar back. After hacking away at its lifeless corpse and taking down it’s life bar to zero again, nothing happened…and when I reset, it started me at that same checkpoint and the same process started. It got stuck in a bug loop and I lost a whole game and had to start all over again. This is completely unacceptable. However, the strengths of this game are so credible that it was more than enough for me to start my game all over again without any hesitation.

Now, dark, muddy visuals and debilitating crashes are certainly noteworthy problems, but the things this game does get right, are wonderful. Demons/Dark Souls are amazingly difficult games and Lords of the Fallen provides a hefty challenge as well, but it also offers something to alleviate the frustration and offer a nice balance that the Souls games don’t…random loot drops. Lords of the Fallen has a GREAT loot system and it’s exactly what I think has been missing from the Souls game since their debut. Finally a comprehensible system of weaponry makes its way to this style of game. It’s fantastic. Do I want to go light armor and be more quick with my attacks? Or do I go full on tank and sacrifice that mobility for serious damage? I love this aspect of the game so much and this freedom of customization makes it an incredibly rewarding experience. I also really love the weight that you can actually feel on your character when you’re a bulked up tank versus the lightness and speed you have as say a rogue. This requires strategy when timing your attacks in combat an absolute must.

Lords of the Fallen also provides an incredibly eery atmosphere, this is due to the excellent level design and the sparse, (but well used) haunting soundtrack. Sometimes less is more, and just like with the Souls games, Lords opts for a less obtrusive presentation and instead lets the dreariness of the setting draw you in and keep you on edge.

I can’t help but feel like Lords of the Fallen is a game that wasn’t quite finished when it was released…that the developers were so stressed out about making their deadline, that they never got the chance to fix some really glaring omissions. It’s so finely polished in some aspects and cripplingly broken in others. I genuinely hope that over the next few weeks, developer Deck13 Interactive takes the time to address the (seemingly universal) criticisms that lie with the game over a few patches. As it stands, Lords of the Fallen should be a really great game, but due to some serious fundamental problems that can’t be overlooked, it is instead a frustratingly good one.

PROS: Loot system, soundtrack, Demons/Dark Souls inspired gameplay with more of an emphasis on combat

CONS: Blurry visuals, bugs, game crashes


-Sock Talk Jon-

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 46: You’re Welcome

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Episode Runtime:
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” come back after a 3 month hiatus to discuss the importance of taking good “selfies” and appropriately hashtagging them for maximum exposure of your highly important and eagerly viewed online existence.

Music intro and outro: Provided by Jared Creighton

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 45: Get Mildly Upset

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(download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 2:05:11
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” break down Sock Talk Jon psychologically, then rebuild him with science and elbow macaroni, all in around 2 hours.

Bonus Features:

The live video broadcast. WATCH us eat!

Music intro and outro:
Provided by The Outlaws of Ravenhurst

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 44: Game Time

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(download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 2:28:25
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” welcome back special guest Ethan White to the show and we go on a geek tangent the likes of which you have never heard. Or seen. Or felt. In your butt.

Music intro and outro: Provided by The World Is Square

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 43: We’re Great!

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(download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 2:27:11
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” finally talk about “My Name Is Jonah”! We discuss the premiere of our now award winning film, how great we are and many self congratulatory blowjobs are given to us by us. So tune in and love us as much as we love ourselves won’t you?

Music intro and outro: Provided by Jonah & Shanna Jackman

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 42: So Tired…

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Click here to listen to: Sock Talk Episode 42

(right click to save as mp3, or download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 1:13:36
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” forgo sleep for your entertainment. The result? Exhausting.

Bonus Features:

Sock Talk Jon’s Rocket Raccoon painting as mentioned in this sleepy episode.


Music intro and outro: Provided by Derk Jickface

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 41: My Dinner With Sock Talk

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Click here to listen to: Sock Talk Episode 41

(right click to save as mp3, or download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 2:07:18
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” get cozy at the casa de Healy and go through our 2013 year in review. Brain pussies are fucked, terms are defined, and a new year begins. Also, we eat cheese and salad. Nothing but the best of entertainment for you guys.

Bonus Features:

The amazing commercials we mentioned for God of War: Ascension and Batman: Arkham Origins.

Music intro and outro: Provided by Derk Jickface

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Jon’s 2013 Video Game 1UP Winners

With some especially strong titles from Nintendo and a completely new set of consoles from Microsoft and Sony, 2013 was a pretty good year for gaming.

1) The Last of Us (PS3)

The Last of Us seamlessly melds the mediums of cinema and video game to create an experience unlike any other. Utilizing the survival horror genre like you have never played it before, The Last of Us keeps you feeling frightened and alone in a world that is every bit as terrifying as it is beautiful. Easily the best game of 2013 and one of the best I have ever played in over 27 years of gaming.

2) Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS)

The Nintendo 3DS is fast becoming one of my favorite gaming systems ever and games like Fire Emblem: Awakening are why. Crushingly difficult, well plotted and with more optimization than your standard strategy/RPG fare, this is an absolute must for any fan of this genre.

3) Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)

Just…wonderful and one of the best reasons to go out and buy a 3DS.

4) Diablo III (XBOX 360/PS3)

I love the Diablo series, but the PC iteration of Diablo 3 felt very lackluster to me…it was unbalanced and just didn’t give me the desire to play it as intently as I did the others. Blizzard released a console version of the game in late 2013 and completely fixed everything that was wrong in the PC version, (including the terrible auction house) making this the infinite time suck it was truly meant to be. You could legitimately play this game forever.

5) Tomb Raider (XBOX 360/PS3/PC)

I was never much of a Tomb Raider fan, but with the reboot of this now classic series, Square-Enix has managed to get it right. Borrowing heavily from the Uncharted series, Tomb Raider is perfect in its execution. A gripping narrative and constant sense of foreboding helps to keep you enthralled the entire time.

6) Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)

Not quite as good as the 2001 original for the Gamecube, Luigis Mansion: Dark Moon still manages to be a fun adventure title nonetheless. Gorgeous graphics, challenging puzzles and plenty of side quests kept me hooked.

7) Mario and Luigi: Dream Team (3DS)

Yet ANOTHER 3DS title makes my favorite list with Mario and Luigi: Dream Team. Visually stunning, perfectly balanced and full of all these great little Nintendo fanboy jokes, make this one of the most enjoyable RPG’s I’ve played in a long time.

8) Batman: Arkham Origins (XBOX 360/PS3/PC)

Batman’s third outing takes form as a prequel, with a new developer, and new voice actors for both Batman (Roger Craig Smith replaces Kevin Conroy) and the Joker (Troy Baker replaces Mark Hammil). The result is pretty damn good actually. I really couldn’t even tell the difference with the voice actors, especially Troy Baker who nails Hamill’s now classic Joker voice. A great narrative combines with equally great visuals, but I still couldn’t help but feel that maybe it might time for this series to take just a couple years off…as the formula is now starting to get that “I’ve played this same exact thing” feeling to it.

9) Crysis 3 (XBOX 360/PS3/PC)

The 3rd entry in developer Crytek’s visually beautiful, original sci-fi shooter series, Crysis 3, is just as solid as Crysis 1 and 2. These games (while decent story wise) were never narrative powerhouses, but the gameplay/difficulty level remains just as fun as ever.

10) Grand Theft Auto V (XBOX 360/PS3/PC)

If you’ve ever played a GTA game before, you know what to expect…hookers, guns, car chases, shootouts, etc…but with Grand Theft Auto V, all of that is elevated to an entirely new level of interactivity. It is flat out scary how large and alive the world in this game is. As tired of this series as I might be, I can’t deny its level of brilliance and narrative wonderment.

The stinkers

God of War: Ascension
An absolute travesty of a game, God of War: Ascension manages to take what isn’t broken, try to fix it, and as a result, smash it to bits. This once flawless franchise gets it’s first ever stinker.

Resident Evil 6
Now, I only played the demo for this, but that was MORE than enough…terrible on so many fronts.

Bioshock Infinite
Someone over at Irrational Games must have forgotten that games are supposed to be, well, FUN. I cannot argue the fact that this game as a narrative, is fantastic. It is. But as a game, it is a repetitive, dull, predictable hunk of garbage.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
A clunky, boring beat em’ up that had so much more promise than the final product delivered…10 back flips now!

With 2014 already here, it’s time to look at what newcomers XBOX One and PS4 have to offer, which as of right now, isn’t much. In fact this year as a whole, seems rather dull gaming wise. However, it’s still early and the bigger announcements usually come out around E3 time, so we’ll just have to wait and see. What say you?

-Sock Talk Jon-

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 40: It’s a Black People Thing

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Click here to listen to: Sock Talk Episode 40

(right click to save as mp3, or download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 2:16:37
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” invite back chocolatey love mountain, Ryan Terrell to the show! We try to break the racial barriers and get down to what’s important, getting laid. Also, NSA spying, cuckolding and Eddie Lacy.

Music intro and outro: Provided by JB Sapienza

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design

Sock Talk Podcast Episode 39: Enter Ethan

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Click here to listen to: Sock Talk Episode 39

(right click to save as mp3, or download this episode on iTunes)

Episode Runtime: 2:12:37
Episode Summary:

Welcome back to Sock Talk! This week Phil Healy and Jon Caron, the producers of the documentary  “My Name Is Jonah” invite you to let us fuck your brain pussy. We go deep…into your mind and soul. Yeahhhhh. Joining us this episode is comic book/metal enthusiast, Ethan White. We discuss all things comics, including the upcoming Superman vs Batman movie and Wonder Woman’s addition to the lineup. We also discuss the importance of video games as a legitimate art form. It’s a nerdy medley of eroticism.

Music intro and outro: Provided by JB Sapienza

Phil Healy Website: I Hunger Productions
Jon Caron Website: Asylum Studios Photography + Design